Judges Roberts and Alito have finally taken off their kid gloves to reveal the cloven hooves of the devil. Stripped naked in a lurid slow dance with Wall Street, they put the final nail on any grade school notion that we are a democracy. We are a corporatocracy:
Teabaggers, we are not your enemy. That's the sad, imperial lie. The Left is just a paper tiger. It's not that you don't mean well, but you've been bought and sold like sheep, your own wool pulled over your eyes and, along with the rest of us, are being led to slaughter by those to whom you, even on this night, bow. That's not a Liberty Bell you hear beneath your bleating. It's a death knell to your very own cause being rung by Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.
Remember this day and the hundreds of years, lives and careers that have been spent to prevent it. We have shamed our Founding Fathers. To our mothers on whose values we were raised, we appear lazy, spoiled, naive, thick and heartless for taking the short, selfish view without questioning the rhetoric of protectionists.
By bequeathing an unvetted voice to the radical "Christian" Right, we've sanctioned their aggressive ignorance of fact, empowered they who run fearful and loathsome from an African-American President, a Puerto Rican on the bench, a female Speaker of the House; we've cheered on supplicants who entitle the few to riches while denying basic health care to the many. They are no more than call girls and we, their unwitting pimps, are happy to recline, engorge and watch it all on a flat screen Hi-Def satellite TV.
It's the long view that was demanded, the expansive view that speaks of history, of a moral compass, of civil rights, of checks and balances, of separation of church and state, of a government for the people and by the people. But, Oh, the rabid Right! They'll be shouting that we still have all that freedom and more, but whispering breathlessly the inarguable Truth:
When corporations are defined by law as equal in privileges to any one person in our American citizenry, the time will come when your senator, your justice, your President will have a choice to make. For that crucial vote about to be cast with your name on it, who will reap the benefit of their doubt, and who will retain the only right to question it otherwise...you or Mr. Monsanto?
On Thursday, January 21, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations have the same constitutional rights as human beings.
Sign the motion to amend the Constitution to affirm rule by the people, not corporations. Go to: